Grant Information:

The MAY EMMA HOYT FOUNDATION grants funding to tax-exempt entities located within Lawrence County or providing services to Lawrence County residents and charities.

The Foundation Board meets as needed throughout the year to review current grant requests and to assess the successes of awarded grants.

The Foundation has no formal application form.  A request for funding should include some or all of the following information:

  • The name and address of the organization including contact telephone number and email address;

  • A copy of the organization’s tax-exempt determination;

  • Copies of the organization’s tax returns for the last two (2) years;

  • A brief description of the project explaining how a grant will assist Lawrence County residents and how many residents it might impact;

  • Identification of any partners/owners of real estate involved in the project;

  • The cost of the project and a scheduling of these costs;

  • An explanation of the cost calculation or submission of at least two (2) formal bids;

  • The project time frame;

  • Other sources of financial support; and

  • The names of other foundations or other possible financial sources where applications for funding have been made or granted.

The May Emma Hoyt Foundation provides funding for both capital improvements and operating expenses. In short, the Foundation is committed to improving the welfare of all Lawrence County residents and will consider any request that meets those goals.

Unfortunately, each year we receive more requests than we are able to fund with our limited resources. The Hoyt Foundation enjoys a working relationship with the Community Foundation, the Almira Fund, and the Carolyn Knox Fund. We strongly encourage you to contact these sources as well.